Working Toward A Better Montana

Andy Nelson for Montana House District 98

Community involvement and supporting causes that I care about are at the core of who I am. These are some of the local and national groups that I have either volunteered with, worked for, and/or financially supported. I encourage you to learn more about the great work each of these organizations does to support individuals across Montana.


Up ‘til Dawn (University of Montana)

Project Tomorrow Montana - volunteer 

Substance Abuse Disorder Connect 

Montana Conservation Voters 

FFA Alumni Association 

Missoula Food Bank 

Open Aid Alliance

Montana Two Spirit Society

Partnership for Children 

Alzheimer’s Association  

Missoula Interfaith Collaborative 

Pride Foundation 


Camp Mak-A-Dream

United Way of Missoula County - volunteer 

Common Good Missoula 

2020 Census - organizer 

Salvation Army

UM Pacific Islander’s Club 

UM Lambda Alliance